Tuesday, March 1, 2011

coffee and kilos

Welcome To Melbourne

So, end of week 1 of the challenge and how did I fair? Dismal to say the least. I'm a bit annoyed, as I stuck to 'the plan' every day this week - and managed a 100g gain! I guess I need to step up the exercise. Hopefully next Tuesday I can report better news.

Speaking of news. Have you heard? The Broadsheet Cafe is coming to town! As part of the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, this cafe will exist for 14 days and bring Melbournians the ultimate in coffee indulgence! I'm so excited - I LOVE my morning coffee and it will be well worth the trek over to Crossley St to order!

And I'm ashamed to admit that I only JUST discovered the Broadsheet website when a colleague told me about the cafe. It's a pretty awesome website which claims to be a "definitive guide to exploring Melbourne. These are some of our favourite spots, whether you're here for a day, a week or forever, check them out."

I'm sold!

image via here


Ali said...

i haven't heard of that site either beth!....goes to check out broadsheet melbourne....

did you take that photo? how good is pelligrinis?

Beth said...

love pelligrinis Ali - but not my photo, curtesy of the Broadsheet site - love discovering new things about Melbourne!

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